As the stage where 6G communication is regarded as the futuristic technology that lay out possibilities, more use cases and new generation of cellular communication standards spring up. Zhang Ping, an Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, stated that the future 6G would be technology combined with communication, computing, perceiving, AI, and security. Wireless cloud solutions are the most suitable for 6G development.
Cloud-managed wireless market shows the future growth potential in the latest released study. 6G is a cloud-centric wireless future. Cloud is a new economics and a new supply chain.
The open cloud wireless network can better meet the needs of 6G multi-dimensional networking. Additionally, the cloud system gets rid of the traditional software and hardware form to redefine “wireless network”. It opens up more options for operators and integrators to deploy new EPC and 5GC network.
However, there is always the other side of the coin.
Up until now, multiple challenges still exist in 6G wireless. It’s concentrated on the MCPTT and security system solutions. While there is certainly an appeal to 6G Implementations, especially for enterprises, colleges and laboratories, we still need to figure out how to solve related challenges: how to ensure the quality of services, how to better integrate with all 6G capabilities, how to design a reasonable network architecture, alike problems.
Moving to open cloud wireless is going to require 6G. The world where the network becomes multimode through a cloud player, is the world where 6G technology features at industrial and ecological clusters. Cloud wireless network becomes a popular trend, which will definitely usher a new supply chain.
IPLOOK core network has successfully deployed on Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, AWS Cloud alike cloud platforms, providing carrier-grade end-to-end mobile network solutions for operators and enterprises.
The network deployment on cloud enables customers to rapidly obtain core network with lower CAPEX, and also simplifies the management, achieving rapid start-up of the core network business.
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