Build a cost-effective 4G LTE network with lite voice and message
The common solution to provide voice and message services Look back on the experience of subscribers, people want to use voice call and SMS in 2G&3G network. To achieve this goal, the common solution is to add IMS and SMSC for VoLTE call and 4G SMS. However, this solution may need high CAPEX, even cause many interoperability problems on various mobile phones.
A new and cost-effective way: deploying 4G LTE network supporting voice and message services by APPs Compared to legacy 2G or 3G networks, 4G LTE network is the best choice for new operators in telco market to provide voice and message services. In the initial stage of new operators, they may try to provide full services network with lower cost.
By deploying 4G LTE network supporting WhatsApp/Skype/Viber and other APPs, IPLOOK can help the new operators to enhance LI, emergency call, roaming, and other capabilities with lower CAPEX. Connect everywhere and everything with IPLOOK! This is our service tenet, and our belief. Contact us for more details about 4G LTE network solution.