The allocation of spectrum licenses for mobile networks is one of the big deals operators and enterprises may focus on. In some European countries, work is underway to make significant progress on it, expanding the 5G network deployment.
In the UK, Ofcom started issuing shared access spectrum in early 2020. It has awarded 1,600 local private spectrum licenses. Among these, over 1,000 are in the 1800MHz band, and around 500 are dedicated to the 3.8-4.2GHz band. The shared access spectrum is available at 2.3GHz (10MHz) and 24.25–26.5GHz (2GHz).
BNetzA, Germany's regulator in telecom, released local spectrum licenses of the 3.7GHz-3.8GHz band on which more than 250 private networks are running.
In France, up to 100MHz of 'localized' spectrum in the 3.8GH–4GHz band is available to be applied for. The spectrum licenses are valid for three years. French communications regulator Arcep has awarded over 13 spectrum licenses since it opened the window for 5G experimentation platforms in March 2022.
Though Sweden makes slow progress, 40MHz of the "property-based" spectrum in the 3.5GHz band will be reserved for enterprises' use. Health care, transportation and mining may be the heated industries to be invested in.
New entrants in the 5G global market would have opportunities, including industry verticals to deploy private networks.