CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) has drawn much attention since the development of 5G technology becomes skyrocketed.
But what on earth is CBRS?
CBRS, a 150 MHz wide broadcast band of the 3.5 GHz band (3.55 GHz to 3.7 GHz) in the United States, is also known as Band 48 (B48), which can be used for the deployment of private networks.
The access to the CBRS spectrum is shared among three sorts of users below:
Tier 1: Incumbent users: the U.S. Navy and satellite ground stations
Tier 2: Users with Priority Access Licenses (PALs): generally the operators who received the licenses by paying
Tier 3: Users with General Authorized Access (GAA): the enterprises using this spectrum for private networks without obtaining a license
Source: CBRS alliance
However, CBRS is not the only band of spectrum available for private LTE and private 5G networks. So the policy of spectrum is always a noticeable topic in the telecom industry because it may influence the development of the market.